Industrial land for sale in Mtein,Metn
Industrial land for sale in Mtein, area 1382sqm zone 35/70 , price $226,525.
Call us : +9613915910
Industrial land for sale in Mtein, area 1382sqm zone 35/70 , price $226,525.
Industrial land for sale in Anfeh - Koura , area 3500 sqm , zone 35/70 , second degree , includes: 2 waterwells, rooms with its amenities for empolyees. Available Road , electricity, &water. The right to benefit from sea water is registered. Near the sea . Price :470$/sqm Negotiable.
Industrial land for sale in Anfeh _Koura , area29000sqm,zoneo, water spring, 2 road, electricity,price190$/sqm
Industrial land for sale in Anfeh- koura , area 3037 sqm, zone o 35%, second class, price 190$/m .
Industrial land for sale in Anfeh- koura , area 701 sqm, zone 35%, second class, price 155000$ negotiable.
Land for sale in Bchamoun, 3900 sqm, with licenses and water well 3 inches, zone Industrial first Degree. Price: 750$/sqm (2.925.000$).
Bchamoun, is an area near Beirut in the Mount Lebanon Governorate of Lebanon. It has an elevation between 40 and 580 meters above sea level, 8 kilometers from airport and Beirut downtown. Bechamoun's population exceeds 15,000 It was the first area to raise the Lebanese flag after gaining independence from France.